
Welcome To Ms. Bevington's 6th Grade

Math/Science Class

Dear Parents/Guardians, and Students:

Welcome to sixth grade math/science! This letter will provide you with information about our mathematics/science classes and answer some questions you may have about the year. As a sixth grader, your child will build on all of the topics he or she has learned in previous years and eventually extend his or her application and critical thinking skills.

Sixth grade is an important year for students, as they move from elementary school to their first year of middle school. It is therefore, important for us to work as a collaborative team to ensure that the transition supports their academic success and allows them to blossom and grow into confident successful middle school students. With this goal in mind please feel free to send me a twenty word email telling me important information that you would like me to know about your child; please include things they enjoy and their areas of strength. My school e-mail address is [email protected] you can also access it through our school website.

We will be using interactive notebooks in math and science therefore, your child will need a composition notebook each quarter. The other materials needed for an interactive notebook are invisible tape, colored pencils/markers, and scissors. An interactive notebook is a unique way of taking notes that encourages your child to comment and creatively interact with the important concepts of each lesson. The interactive notebooks are also an excellent way for you to monitor your child's progress and a great study tool for tests and quizzes.

I am very happy and excited to have the opportunity to teach your child mathematics /science this year. I will make every effort to make lessons both interesting and effective. As I stated earlier a strong home-school line of communication is essential to academic success and I invite your questions and concerns at any time. Please contact me via email at [email protected] or through the main office at (252) 827-5083 ext. 6535. I will do my best to return your calls within 24 hours and your emails within 48 hours.


Ms. Bevington

